Example 6: Cross phase modulation (XPM)

The phase of an optical signale is modulated along the fiber by the non linear Kerr effect.

The phase shift of a signal at wavelenght $\lambda_0$ by cross phase modulation is being caused by the power of the X- and the Y polarisation at wavelengths $\lambda\neq\lambda_0$.
A signal with power values $|E_x(t)|^2$ and $|E_y(t)|^2$ in the two polarisations causes a phase shift in all other wavelengths: $$\phi_x(t) = -2\biggl( |E_x(t)|^2 + \frac{2}{3} |E_y(t)|^2 \biggr) L_{eff} \gamma$$ $$\phi_y(t) = -2\biggl( |E_y(t)|^2 + \frac{2}{3} |E_x(t)|^2 \biggr) L_{eff} \gamma$$ The definition of the effective length of a fiber $L_{eff}$ can be found in the SPM example.

As can be seen the phase shift by XPM is twice as higher as the phase shaft by SPM.

Phase shift by cross phase modulation
Fig. 1 : Power and phase of signal. Phase shifted by self phase modulation.

The simualation shows a slight difference of the phase shift of the simulation and the theoretical value. This can be explained by four-wave-mixing. As can be seen in Fig. 2 the power values of the the signals are not only reduced by the attenuation. FWM products are created, so that the power of the signal channels are reduced additionally.

Phase shift by cross phase modulation
Fig. 2 : Spectra before and after transmission. Due to FWM power is transferred from the initial signals.

##!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#Import functions and libraries
import sys
from pypho_setup import pypho_setup
from pypho_bits import pypho_bits
from pypho_signalsrc import pypho_signalsrc
from pypho_lasmod import pypho_lasmod
from pypho_fiber import pypho_fiber
from pypho_cwlaser import pypho_cwlaser
from pypho_optfi import pypho_optfi
from pypho_functions import *
import numpy as np
import copy
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define network elements
gp       = pypho_setup(nos = 8, sps = 256, symbolrate = 10e9)
bitsrc   = pypho_bits(glova = gp, nob = gp.nos, pattern = 'singlepulse') # Set pattern = "singlepulse"
esigsrc  = pypho_signalsrc(glova = gp, pulseshape = 'gauss_rz' , fwhm = 0.33)
sig_f0   = pypho_cwlaser(glova = gp, power = -20, Df = 0,  teta =1*np.pi/4.0)
sig_f1   = pypho_lasmod(glova = gp, power = -10, Df = 500, teta = 0*np.pi/1.0)
filter_f0 = pypho_optfi(glova = gp, Df = 0, B = 150)
SSMF     = pypho_fiber(glova = gp, l = 10e3,  D = 0.0,   S = 0.0, alpha = 0.2, gamma = 1.4, phi_max = .001)

# Simulation

# Define wavelength channels

E_f0    = sig_f0()                                              

bits    = bitsrc()
esig    = esigsrc(bitsequence = bits)
E_f1    = sig_f1(esig = esig)  
E       = copy.deepcopy(E_f1)

E[0]['E'][0] = E_f0[0]['E'][0] + E_f1[0]['E'][0]  # Multiplex all signals X-Pol
E[0]['E'][1] = E_f0[0]['E'][1] + E_f1[0]['E'][1]  # Multiplex all signals Y-Pol 

E_Tx = copy.deepcopy(E)
# Plot Spectrum Input signals
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot((gp.freqax-gp.f0)*1e-9, np.log10(abs(fftshift(fft(E[0]['E'][0]   )**2))), 'r', label='X-Pol')
plt.plot((gp.freqax-gp.f0)*1e-9, np.log10(abs(fftshift(fft(E[0]['E'][1]   )**2))), 'g', label='Y-Pol')
plt.title("Input spectrum", loc='left')
plt.ylabel('Spec. density');
# Fiber transmission
E = SSMF(E = E)    

# Plot Spectrum Output signals
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot((gp.freqax-gp.f0)*1e-9, np.log10(abs(fftshift(fft(E[0]['E'][0]   )**2))), 'r', label='X-Pol')
plt.plot((gp.freqax-gp.f0)*1e-9, np.log10(abs(fftshift(fft(E[0]['E'][1]   )**2))), 'g', label='Y-Pol')
plt.title("Output spectrum", loc='left')
plt.ylabel('Spec. density'); plt.xlabel('Frequency deviation [GHz]');

# Calculate phase shift
L_eff = (1-np.exp(-SSMF.l*SSMF.alpha))/(SSMF.alpha)
phi_XPM_x_max = - 2*(np.max(np.abs(E_f1[0]['E'][0])**2) + 2.0/3.0* np.max(np.abs(E_f1[0]['E'][1])**2))* L_eff * SSMF.gamma *1e-3
phi_XPM_y_max = - 2*(np.max(np.abs(E_f1[0]['E'][1])**2) + 2.0/3.0* np.max(np.abs(E_f1[0]['E'][0])**2))* L_eff * SSMF.gamma *1e-3

phi_SPM_x_max = - (np.max(np.abs(E_f0[0]['E'][0])**2) + 2.0/3.0* np.max(np.abs(E_f0[0]['E'][1])**2))* L_eff * SSMF.gamma *1e-3
phi_SPM_y_max = - (np.max(np.abs(E_f0[0]['E'][1])**2) + 2.0/3.0* np.max(np.abs(E_f0[0]['E'][0])**2))* L_eff * SSMF.gamma *1e-3

print 'L_eff = ', L_eff
print 'phi_XPM_x_max = ', phi_XPM_x_max
print 'phi_XPM_y_max = ', phi_XPM_y_max
print 'phi_SPM_x_max = ', phi_SPM_x_max
print 'phi_SPM_y_max = ', phi_SPM_y_max
print 'phi_x_max = phi_XPM_x_max + phi_SPM_x_max', phi_XPM_x_max + phi_SPM_x_max
print 'phi_y_max = phi_XPM_y_max + phi_SPM_y_max', phi_XPM_y_max + phi_SPM_y_max

# Plot power of both pol axis as function of transmission distance

E = filter_f0(E)


plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.ylabel('$|E|^2$'); plt.xlabel('Transmission distance [m]');
plt.plot(gp.timeax*1.0e12, np.abs(E_f1[0]['E'][0])**2, 'r', label='$Pulse: E_x $')
plt.plot(gp.timeax*1.0e12, np.abs(E_f1[0]['E'][1])**2, 'g', label='$Pulse: E_y Pulse$')
plt.plot(gp.timeax*1.0e12, np.abs(E_f0[0]['E'][0])**2, 'r:', label='$cw@1550nm: E_x $')
plt.plot(gp.timeax*1.0e12, np.abs(E_f0[0]['E'][1])**2, 'g:', label='$cw@1550nm: E_y$')
legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right')

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(gp.timeax*1.0e12, np.angle(E[0]['E'][0]), 'r', label='$cw@1550nm: E_x$')
plt.plot(gp.timeax*1.0e12, np.angle(E[0]['E'][1]), 'g', label='$cw@1550nm: E_y$')
legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right')